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Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes  because an excellent spirit was in him, and the king thought to set him over the whole realm. Daniel 6.3 

Pastor Dele Olowu

Pastor Dele Olowu

Continental Overseer


RCCG Europe

After the sixth month of divine manifestation of God's sons, we move into the second half of the year in this seventh month. For us to deliver on the Lord's plans for our lives in this year of divine repositioning it is essential that we go for excellence.

Excellence is being exceptionally good or outstanding: being like our Master. God is calling us to become like Himself--the El Shadai. Gen. 17.1. It is the attitude that seeks to be better than the best and excelling all past performance or accomplishments--see Phil. 3.13. It is producing the highest or finest quality possible. In fact, it is perfection, with which the seventh month is associated. 


Excellence is thus an attitude. It is an insatiable desire to be the best possible and to be like One who called us. It is innovation, turning weakness to strength, defeat into victory like David, Joseph, Gideon, Daniel, Esther in the past and we see in the sporting, finance and political arenas today. 


Excellence is also a spirit, actually carrying in our own spirits, the Spirit of an excellent God--whose name, power, judgement, justice and acts are all excellent Ps. 8.1;  Job 37.23. Mt. 5. 13-16.  


No matter what happened in the first half of any match, the second half is when the final decision would be taken concerning this year. We must give it our very best. 


We should go for excellence in our social relationships with God and especially His word; in our family and professional relationships and the utilization of the resources the Lord gave us. In particular, we should discover, develop and deploy our spiritual gifts as well as the nine elements of the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, faith, meekness and self control. 

Notice that according to our text above, excellence leads to special favors and promotions. So expect divine uplifting in this season as you pursue excellence like the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. 

This second half of the year would be a season of new beginnings for us as we pursue an attitude of excelling performance in all aspects of life. 
Welcome to the   seventh month, the Month of Excellence. 


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